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Docker vs Kubernetes in 2025: A Complete Comparison Guide
Industry Insights
In 2008, tech changed in the way that we thought about application stacks with the introduction of Linux Containers LX. It went from having to either have an entire server dedicated to one application or a Virtual Machine VM dedicated to one application stack to a portion of the Operating System being dedicated to an application stack.
Stateless Clusters: Ephemeral In Production
Industry Insights
Every service in the cloud or piece of cloud infrastructure we create is nothing more than an API call.Whether youʼre using Terraform, Pulumi, or an SDK, underneath the hood, youʼre making an API call to the particular set of APIs that make managing/creating services/infrastructure possible. The thing is, there are only a few ways many engineers feel comfortable using because theyʼre worried about “stateˮ, but they shouldn't be.In this blog post, you will learn about what state is, why itʼs important in todayʼs world, and why to stop caring about it.
Deploying Kubernetes Clusters In All Clouds
Interesting conversations come up when chatting about vendor neutrality. The truth is, it’s really hard to find. For example, if you take an Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) provide, you write the code the same way between clouds, but you still have to use different providers/registries, resources, etc... there really isn’t a true “neutral” method. With Codiac, you get as close as possible. In this blog post, you’ll learn how to deploy clusters AWS with Codiac. The key here is to see the ease-of-use and the true neutrality within the process between cloud providers.
Preparing Your Local Environment For Codiac: Quick Start
In this quick article, you’ll learn what you need as a prerequisite to use Codiac, where you can find the tools, and how to install/prepare them on your local computer.
Setting Up Codiac From Start to Finish (CLI)
Engineers live in a world where things are either complex or theyʼre promised ease of use, which results in more complexity. Tools and various pieces of software are marketed in a way that complicates more than it resolves. The goal with Codiac is to remove that notion and put engineers in the right direction (truly). In this blog post, youʼll learn about what Codiac is and how to dive into the SDLC journey with it today.
Environment Automation: The Good, Bad, And Ugly
When is automation too much automation? When is abstraction too much abstraction? In the world of “making everything easier”, engineers constantly hear about “abstracting this” and “making that easier”. The truth is, making things easier and implementing abstraction doesn’t always mean implementing more efficiency. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the idea of environment automation, what an environment is, and how you can make your life easier from an efficiency perspective.
Platform Engineering Is A Mess
The term “platform” has gone from something that’s truly necessary to incredibly buzzy in today’s high-level tech world, but regardless of the buzz, platforms are needed now more than ever. Without a proper underlying platform to serve workloads and abstraction layers to engineers who need them, we won’t be able to scale past fumbling around the cloud and hoping systems and services are correctly configured. In this blog post, you’ll learn about what a platform is, what it was, and what it could be.
Thinking SDLC On Codiac
Software starts at point A and ends at point Z. Between A and Z, there’s a lot that gets done. If you think about it, the points between A and Z take months or even sometimes (this actually happens a lot), years. Because of that, you need a method to easily manage just about every step of the lifecycle in one place without having to bounce around between tools and software. In this blog post, you’ll learn about what SDLC does for you and where Codiac comes in.
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